The VIU Lab's diverse research program spans human perception, from medical imaging to face perception to neuroimaging of contextual guidance of visual attention

Vision and Image Understanding Lab

About Us

The Vision and Image Understanding Laboratory at the University of California, Santa Barbara pursues computational modeling of behavioral, cognitive neuroscience, and physiological data to elucidate the mechanisms and neural substrates mediating perception, attention, and learning. We use the knowledge we acquire, in conjunction with tools from computer science and engineering, to improve human performance in life-critical decisions (such as doctors searching for tumors in medical images), aid the development of bio-inspired computer vision systems, and optimize the interactions between intelligent machines and humans.


The Mellichamp Initiative in Mind & Machine Intelligence

The Mellichamp Initiative in Mind & Machine Intelligence, founded and co-directed by VIU head Miguel Eckstein, is a joint cross-disciplinary effort by UC Santa Barbara academics to understand the capabilities of the human mind and artificial intelligence (AI), and to design AI that is centered around fruitful interactions with humans.